Joseph Beuys

(c)SABAM Belgiƫ, 2017 - photo: Dirk Pauwels, S.M.A.K., Gent
Evervess II, 1968
Multiple , 27 x 16.5 x 9.5 cm
wooden box, glass bottles

The word ‘Evervess’ is derived from ‘effervescence’, referring to carbonation, a process which changes the state of a liquid, giving it an almost animate quality.

The work is made up of two soda bottles, placed next to each other in a wooden container. The label on one of the bottles is covered by patches of grey felt. The cover of the piece gives instructions to the user on how the multiple should be activated.

If the owner of the multiple wishes to maintain the integrity of the piece, the energy inside can be tapped into through the felt patches.

Edition: 40, not signed, not numbered

Galerie Réne Block, Berlin