Jimmie Durham

(c)Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris / Thierry Langro
A Stone Rejected by the Builder (1), 2006
Sculpture , 34 x 41 x 20 cm (stone), 55 x 48 x 35 cm (table)
stone, wood, acrylic paint

The two pieces entitled A Stone rejected by the builder (1 and 2, link bellow) are stone blocks that have been abandoned by Arno Brecker, Hitler’s favourite artist, in his atelier in the Grünewald Forest - which many years later became Jimmie Durham’s own atelier. The act of painting it (here in flashy pink and green, and in the second version in red) adds to these objects a new dimension. They gain a new, lighter, almost childish connotation, in opposition to their heavy association with the Nazi artist.